The Golden Dragon Energy.

What happens when you have a gold dragon in your field?  I have been asking about this for weeks, months. Although I work with them in the landscape I also notice them popping up in odd places. But why? I knew it was about money and power but after a visit from Chris for a couple of weeks, this became

When I look back at where the Gold Dragon made an appearance; usually where I was at the time. Other people’s dragons appeared to them wherever they were. This does not include the environmental dragon energies, but the dragon energies which are part of our own nature! Because that is what they are! Part of our energy. It is as though the Gold Dragon thought-form is a representation of our ability to manifest wealth! It is an inner power that flows through our body and outer self, or ego, to manifest itself in the world, and that power comes in the image of a golden Dragon.

Once we have balanced our ability to both and give receive in terms of finance and support we are then more able to utilise, sensibly, the power of the Gold Dragon. Before we reach the point of being able to work with money in this way, we may progress through different frequencies of dragon energy.

bronze-dragonMy husband has a Bronze Dragon energy in his field, which is really his own energy in that particular frequency form. I didn’t understand why he had a Bronze Dragon, because I didn’t know they were a possibility. But once I understood the power of the Gold I understood the Bronze. The Bronze dragon was ‘holding’ Omar in his arms, with his tail wrapped around him too; totally ‘held and protected’. He hasn’t yet mastered his money issues, which can take years and sometimes lifetimes, so he is working with the energy that he can work with. He is learning how to manifest finance in a balanced and heart-centred way. If you think of coinage, we have copper, bronze, silver and gold, traditionally!

Having a future leadership role, even if only on a local level, but still leading a community, you have to learn to use money and power in a balanced way so that the future good of the entire community is maintained. Money is not to be used selfishly, but for the good of the whole, so we have to learn to use it well, therefore our dragon energy will reflect this.

Just before Chris arrived, my own Gold Dragon energy suddenly started ‘blowing’. I can feel an energy awakening in my belly and then I feel the impulse to ‘blow’ air out, like a healing air stream, only this time I was aware of my dragon energy and she was blowing gold coins into the air around me and filling the apartment. It feels like I am the dragon and my fiery breath is used through my breath.

I knew that this was to do with Chris’s impending arrival but I didn’t quite ‘get’ why it was happening. However, during his stay here money flowed into the flat and into the house, through his generosity. Although sometimes it felt overwhelming as I am not used to such a sudden free-flow. But the gold he brought he shared with the entire house, making the family’s lives more abundant for a time and putting into motion certain actions which would bring abundance to them in the future.

the-first-step-in-leadershipAt one point he himself began to feel anxious about going back to work in the UK but suddenly I could see his gold dragon wrap itself around his body, holding him in his arms, and the feeling was that there was nothing to worry about, that he was financially, and emotionally safe…because he was working on behalf of humanity and not selfishly hoarding his money. That is the power of the Golden Dragon. This wealth is for our Purpose and for the benefit of humanity; so many of our conscious and unconscious fears are worked through, so that we can do that. We are channels for the abundance of creation to flow into the physical world, and our lives become enriched as a result.

But it is not ‘our’ money’, it is for the good of the whole, and that is why many people who work with the Golden Dragons are natural givers, often to the point of self-sacrifice. But that too is a lesson. Balanced giving and receiving is the way to do it. Money is supposed to flow, it is not supposed to be dammed up and hoarded so that it benefits no-body but the hoarder. Letting go of our fear of lack, and learning how to give giving responsibly and not out of personal interest, is one of the important lessons we learn, as our dragons train us in how to use their energy! That is not to say that it doesn’t ultimately benefit us but we give for others, equally.

In many ways, it is like working with wool. When spinning, knitting, weaving etc, you allow the threads to flow through your fingers, but you have to exert a certain amount of tension so that the right amount flows. Flow and tension control. Too much and it too loose or lumpy and too little means tight, tense results, which don’t work. We have to learn the same skills with power and money. 0-slider-ashford-spin2

So if you have one of these dragons know that it is your energy they are working through to benefit the Whole, and that they will train you in how to work with them. Be watchful, let go of your fears around money and be generous when you see the need for it. Not pointless giving, but intentional, and guided. The Dragons will tell you how and when to give, and when not to. Their consciousness, which is really ours, knows things that our personalities do not, so learning to listen, watch and trust is important. We are harnessing the creative powers of the Universe so we will learn how to do it wisely and hopefully, one day, this is how all power and wealth will be distributed, through the Dragons.

5 thoughts on “The Golden Dragon Energy.

  1. Pingback: The Dragon lines/Serpent lines Explained. | The Gaia Method System of Planetary Healing

  2. i stumbled accross this article after receiving a message from my oracle tools to look into golden dragons, there was also a message of weaving in regards to one’s own wealth as well as work. This is such an affirmation and I am so glad to have a gold dragon help me on my path 💛 thank you so much for this writing


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