White Dragons.

I have been working with White Dragons for quite some time now and really only now understanding what they represent.

When they first appeared, looking like the Luck Dragon from The Never-Ending Story, it coincided with the first fiction-book channelling I began to receive, which is about dragons!

I knew that they were an upper-dimensional inspiration but not that they were directly related to our bringing that inspiration into our third-dimensional world through art and writing.

It wasn’t until I lived in Sahl Hasheesh, on the Red Sea, that I ‘got it’, for they began to appear, out of the sea, giving me gifts. Since I have been beside the Red Sea, for a few months of the year, I have connected with a book editor, a piano teacher and an art teacher! All the things I have wanted to develop for a long time. But everything creative has manifested here. Here I can access that Sea Dragon White Energy, connected to the Womb of Creation, the Red Sea.

Since being here, I feel an opening to more writing, more art and more music. We have an art group, three days a week, I write every day, books which have been given to me, little by little, by my Soul and Guides, and now am beginning to learn how to play the piano, a dream I have had for a long time.

My art is getting better, and now I receive art inspiration from my guides also. That is wonderful! Being able to create healing images for people and for places. I had received images for years but didn’t have the skills to paint them. Now I am learning how to put them on paper. Perhaps in time, I will create music too, once I have learned how to play! Music has always been my connection and ‘opener’ to energy. When I do attunements or art, it is music which gets me to the right level. It opens my Soul to Universal energy and allows me to contact the energies I need.

The White Dragon, when it appears to you, is your Spiritual/Soul artistic guide, there to teach you about how to create Divinely inspired works that help others.

All the dragon energies are connected to the Energy of the Earth consciousness; they are a way to bring into physical form, the energies which will trigger and teach others on the earth plane. Especially when that teaching is related to healing within the realms of Earth. Bringing their Dragon awareness to the minds of Humanity is their task.

Healing art, healing words, healing music, all are the domain of the White Dragon.

So, if you find yourself anchoring, or having spiritual journeys with the White Dragons, you will know why. They ask you to hone your skills and make yourself the best you can be with your art, so that others can benefit from your Divine Dragon Inspiration. Bring their world into our world so that we learn to be co-creators, a dragon-human partnership.

These energies are very real, and tangible if you are sensitive to energy. They are not empty symbols, but powerful, creative, elemental energies.

Let them guide you into realms of pure creation.

29 thoughts on “White Dragons.

  1. Pingback: The Dragon lines/Serpent lines Explained. | The Gaia Method System of Planetary Healing

  2. My dragon was chained beside me..I was freed so I freed my dragon…my dragon has burnt all that was no longer needed and while this was going on it was hard to face and release..but the only way through the portal was pure and my dragon and I are now through…at first my darling was red and that made sense to me as it’s my favorite colour…then as I evolved my darling dragon was gold…that surprised me as after that I felt the dragon curl into a circle into my stomach area and I knew that creation would be a cinch so it was fun knowing I could have anything I wanted now….yesterday I woke to my own magic and found myself as the Merlin if you will the ultimate magical expression…I saw the magic ooze out of my hands and felt it…..today I wake to find my dragon is now white …from what your saying about creative …I am already an artist..when I was in my 20’s I was shown that my paintbrush was magic..and i naturally painted with knowingness of magic within…now i simply play with the magic in my art ..for instance i am painting a hug and leaving the energy of hugging within and i just said that whomever looks upon it or needs the hug will feel it…i have one i made of pencils that is a garden with a bench seat and the magic within this i left is the master energy sitting on the bench seat shining the conscience light…meaning shining a higher potential..so that those that look upon it and may feel a new potential if they needed to….i am not the healing type …I’m just the expression of love and magic

    Liked by 2 people

    • Art is healing, and your work sounds amazing! How beautiful! I love your description of how your brush is magic.
      I was interested in how your dragon energy evolved. You may also be working with all three dragon energies. Red is about keeping your life-focus on your goals, not being distracted by anger at what is happening in the world. The gold is also about your ability to make money, and of course, the white is your inspiration. Sounds like you have evolved into a wonderful creator, which is what the dragons are all about.
      I’d love to see your work!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. My intention for todays meditation was to tap into my wisdom and creativity. I was flying at the speed of light on top of a big white dragon. Your blog is conformation/synchronicity. And yes it did looked like the luck-dragon from the movie.
    P.S. A girl name Rachael left a comment and that was my grandmas name.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I connected with a white dragon last night. I felt like at one point it had the face of a lion but it was morphing so I couldn’t get a good look at it. It didn’t breathe fire, it had “fire” solar? energy in its eyes. I was first riding on its back then I somehow morphed into it and I was the dragon!! And yes, it reminded me of Falkor but was more feline than canine! 🤷🏼‍♀️ There was a lot more too. I kept being shown and hearing “Ptah.”
    I was shown Soo many lifetimes, I was quantum leaping from one body to the next. I wanted to get up and start writing all of this down but didn’t want to pull away from the experienc. The most important ones for me to remember were the white dragon and Ptah. But I do remember being a flamenco dancer, then all of a sudden being on the back of a horse with a bunch of cattle running past (so a rancher?)
    Pretty interesting night. All on the Lions gate portal, which I find very interesting because like I said it appeared the white dragon had a white lion face. The dragon was also flying in a figure 8 infinity pattern through my energy field. 8-8 can’t be a coincidence! I didn’t find much about white dragons online so thank you for sharing your experience!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Heather, Yes it makes sense that it might have solar fire eyes. I have found that when we have healed the lessons of the more ‘physical’ dragon colours, the dragon becomes a light-white. The infinity pattern is also what they do. I have found that I dance the infinity symbol when working with the dragon energies. It seems to call their energy into being, somehow. I wonder if the dragon is showing you what lifetimes challenges ‘from before’ you are working on now? Clearing up, possibly? Showing you the ones you have to chosen to remember? Interesting about Ptah too. He is The Breath of Life. When working with the dragon energies, you will often find that you use the breath as a way of clearing, manifesting and healing. A past life in Egypt might have taught you these skills. And, of course, he is the communicator!
      It all sounds very good to me. 😀
      Thank you for your comments too. I’m really glad you find the information helpful.


  5. My dragon first appeared in the clouds, with a second baby dragon next to it. Their eyes were both piercing white. Their features were white against the blue sky very much like the luck dragon. I had just smoked cannabis tho, so I shrugged it off as oddly perfect clouds and an overactive brain. Doubt consumed me. I’m having more and more and more dragon related things in my life and I can’t deny it anymore. I saw your painting and it’s bang on. Thank you for clarity in my Google search for white dragon.

    Liked by 1 person

    • My pleasure, Michelle. The dragons will make themselves visible to those who work with them. They are the creative power of nature in form, so it seems appropriate that yours appear in the sky, especially as the White dragon is an upper vibrational energy. Keep in touch. I’d love to hear about your dragon journey. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      • Wow you replied!! I feel so famous lol. I watched kung fu panda and all the things about becoming a dragon master, master of all the arts, it gives me chills b/c I believe I’m on that path to become my own dragon warrior. I’m an unbalanced passionate burning fire element sometimes, and I’ve been working with my guides about finding balance. But what’s super crazy is how everything in my life, up until now, is just flooding me with proof that I’m on the right path. I started following a person named Matias de Stefano who has helped my analytical brain make sense of basic concepts that I misunderstand, and even his teachings from his I AM, are all summing up to this big huge event tomorrow Nov 22, working with the White Dragon to align the entire planet in opening our consciousness.
        Chills man, they just don’t stop, too many syncronicities to deny. After he explained the misunderstandings of the reptilians/draconians, I went into meditation and FELT my serpent rise. My kundalini dragon, went all the way up to the top of my head and hissed at the outside world protecting me. It’s absolutely thrilling. This stuff is real, and no one in my physical world understands me, but all you beautiful people who share your stories online make me feel welcome and reassured I’m not gonna be exhaled for craziness. I love this movement. I love your honesty for sharing. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart for replying, you don’t know the immense love that flooded me b/c of it. Take care love.


      • Hi Michelle,
        My early dragon education was Anne McCaffrey and the dragons of Pern! Little did I know why I loved them so much. 🙂 Anything ‘dragony’ hooked me immediately, so long as they weren’t too marauding!
        Mathias de Stefano is lovely and I have listened to his videos too.
        Your kundalini serpent hissing its protection is something I have seen a lot. I have often seen that when women work with the Divine Feminine. The serpent can either hiss its warnings to ‘predators’ or it forms a fan above the head of the person, like the pictures of the multi-headed serpents behind Indian Goddesses. It is both their connection to the earth shakti and their protection. It sounds like you are well on your way. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you very much. I subconsciously created a dragon in a random sketch i brought on just a sheet to smear on. „Give Me Birth“ was written within the dragon, somehow i knew that it must be a white dragon and that this was an urgent calling, if not channeled by cosmic, then channeled by my soul, which is consistently dying for about half an year, as i am writing this comment. I already slackened my chains to be open for divine expressions, but it‘s not always easy to follow guidance, when your days are behung by darkest clouds. I now am absolutely sure, to „give the white dragon birth“ is my only mission by now, so thank you for enriching at least my world with your post.


    • What a wonderful message to receive, Tony: “Give me birth.” No matter where it is channelled from, the fact that it came through in such a clear way, shows your capability of giving it birth, and your readiness to listen. I understand the clouds, I was under them for many years, off and on, and I imagine the white dragon energy will help you move past them too. Even if that takes time. The more you connect with your dragon-self, the less the clouds will dampen you.
      Keep going, and thank you for your lovely comment. It is very much appreciated. 🙂


  7. Hello! I had an amazing dream last night about a white dragon. It was huge and fierce and beautiful… had feathers, and I almost think it was bird-like. Maybe it was part phoenix, part dragon? I caught its attention and we made eye contact. I kept thanking it repeatedly for connecting with me. It was flying patterns over me, then I laid down and looked up at it,… and it started a nose dive straight towards me while we were in eye contact. I wasn’t afraid. I woke up before I know what happened. I think its energy went into me. It merged with me. I know it was a significant dream. I feel that I’m getting assistance in my life journey for the next phase. I meditated and had the impression of Guan Yin being involved and assisting me.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow, that gave me goosebumps. Sounds like the higher creative energies are really connecting with you. Can you remember what the patterns were like, as that is very much how the white dragon dances energy. If you ever feel the urge, see if you can dance the same patterns and see what happens. Often the lemniscate is the pattern you use to bring that energy into yourself but you may be given other patterns to dance.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Thank-you for your response! Yes, it was very much a back and forth curving pattern.. Now that you taught me a new word, I’d say the figure 8 is very probable. But it moved in that pattern over a wide area… the tail always accentuating the “S” as it moved. I will do the dance and keep you posted! I’m very connected to the Earth… and this may have something to do with it. ❤

        Liked by 2 people

    • It is my pleasure. There is more to them, which I am currently writing. A different aspect. Might not apply to you in your part of the world, but it is another aspect of the white dragon’s energy. There are many layers to them so it takes time to put it all together. xx

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ah yes this part of the world… nothing from the north fits here… not the rituals, the seasons… nothing… it’s often a bit of a misfit between my ancestral heritage and this location and its plants… it seems arrogant to make up rituals from scratch, but sometimes it seems to fit better if I do… using my body as the altar and the moon and planets as my guides seems to work best…


      • I found the same with Egypt. I think, in creating your own rituals, you are probably more in touch with the necessary energies, feeling them deeply. I always find that those rituals seem to be more ‘intentful’. I don’t think there is anything arrogant about creating ritual., though. Isn’t that how they were created in the first place? But I love the idea that you use your body as an altar, and moon and planets as your guide. Sounds very ancient to me. 😀

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